Week 5 – Day 33

Did you make good choices yesterday? We certainly hope so!

Have you been visualizing the "perfect you" like we recommended last week? If your answer is "yes", then great job! If the answer is “no”, then make sure you start today. It will only help you to make better choices.

And remember your self talk too. Only good positive empowering thoughts.

Ballantyne Weight Loss Center at Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness in Charlotte, NC

At this point, the only thing that can stop you, is you—and we know you’re not a quitter and there’s no stopping you!

If you are struggling, then go look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are not a quitter and that you are unstoppable. Make positive affirming statements about your health and your weight. Say them over and over again until you feel a change inside of you.

The reality is that you can program yourself for success or for failure. The choice is yours. However, my recommendation is to choose success. After all, you deserve it!

Always remember that tomorrow’s successes depend on the choices you make today, so make choices that support and enforce the changes that you want.