Week 5 – Day 32

Ballantyne Weight Loss Center at Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness in Charlotte

T-minus 10 days and counting! Goodness gracious! How is crazy is that?

Do you know what’s even crazier? There are actually some people who quit right now. Noooooo!!!!! Don't do it!

Ten days to go and they quit…it just doesn’t make any sense!

Remember the haters and nay-sayers we mentioned a few days ago? They would never say it out loud, but they would love to see you fail. Do you know why? It makes them feel better about themselves. Don’t give them that pleasure.

The last time we checked, you didn’t start this journey for them. You started it for you and for the people you love! That is why you are doing this. Be focused, be dedicated, be goal-oriented and be strong for the next 10 days.

Everyone who loves you (including us) believes in you, wants the best for you, and wants you to feel the pride and joy of success!