Week 5 – Day 29

As we enter into the last third of the program, we can begin to understand success. That’s what it’s all about.

Think about it…when you started the ChiroThin™ program, you wanted success. Chances are, if you are like most people, you’ve tried other programs and maybe even some fad diets.

What happened…failure! Even if you lost the weight, you wouldn’t be reading this if you hadn’t gained most of it, all of it, or even more weight back. The “haters” laughed behind your back and your best friends felt sorry for you.

Nobody wants to be pitied, and nobody wants to be laughed at!

Now is the time to show all of the nay-sayers, haters, and pity-partiers exactly who you are and what you are made of! It is time to take off the gloves and crush this!

Just think about how great it will be when people realize and recognize your success!

It’s time to show everyone, including yourself, what real success is...

Day 29